Publications in English


Political Ascent: Contemporary Islamic Movements in North Africa (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1998). Paperback edition.

Political Ascent: Contemporary Islamic Movements in North Africa (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1997). Hardcover edition.

Through Muslim Eyes: Muhammad Rashid Rida and the West (Herndon, VA: International Institute for Islamic Thought, 1993). Hardcover and paperback editions.

Edited and Co-authored Work:

Editor in Chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics, 2 vols.(Oxford University Press, 2014).

Co-editor with John L. Esposito, The Oxford Handbook of Islam and Politics (Oxford University Press, 2013).

Co-editor with Nathan Brown, The Struggle over Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa (Routledge, 2010).

Co-Author, Islam and Democracy: Toward an Effective Citizenship [in Arabic] (Street Law and Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, 2005).

North Africa section editor, Modernist Islam: A Source Book, Kurzman, Charles, ed., (Oxford University Press, 2002).

Book Chapters and Articles:

“The State, The Liberals and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: From Competition to Eradication” in Alfred Stepan, ed. Democratic Transition in Tunisia in Comparative Perspective (Columbia University Press, Forthcoming 2016)

“Government” in Gerhard Bowering ed., Islamic Political Thought: An Introduction (Princeton University Press, 2015)

The Egyptian Revolution: The Spirit of Tahrir Square,” Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 3:46-69, 2012.

“Government,” in Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought, eds. Gerhard Böwering, Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin Stewart, and M. QasimZaman (Princeton University Press, 2012)


“Political Parties in Egypt: Alive, but not Kicking,” in Lawson, Kay and Saad Eddin Ibrahim, eds., Political Parties and Democracy: The Arab World (Praeger Publishers, 2010).

“Democratic Transformation in Egypt: Controlled Reforms…Frustrated Hopes,” in Brown, Nathan and Emad El-Din Shahin, eds. The Struggle over Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa (Routledge, 2010).

“Egypt,” with Nathan Brown, in Angrist, Michele Penner ed., Politics and Society in the Contemporary Middle East (Lynne Reinner, 2010).

“Toleration in Modern Islamic Polity: Contemporary Islamist Views,” in Creppell, Ingrid, Stephen Macedo, and Russel Hardin, eds., Toleration on Trial (Lexington Books, 2008).

“Political Islam in Egypt,” in Emerson, Michael and Richard Youngs, eds., Political Islam and European Foreign Policy (Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies, 2007): 65-85.

“Egypt: The Year of the Elections and Elusive Political Reforms,” in the Mediterranean Yearbook Med.2006 (Barcelona: European Institute of the Mediterranean, 2006): 129-131.

“Egypt’s Moment of Reform: A Reality or an Illusion?” in Emerson, Michael, ed., Democratization in the European Neighbourhood (Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies, 2005): 117-130; also available as CEPS Policy Brief, No. 78 (July 2005): 1-6.

“Political Islam: Ready for Engagement?” Working paper No. 3 (Madrid: FRIDE, February 2005).

“Ibn Badis, Abd al-Hamid,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 484-485. Updated from “IbnBadis, Abd al-Hamid,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 161-162.

“Salafiyah,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 5 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 28-35. Updated from “Salafiyah,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 3 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 463-469.

“Kawakibi, Abd al-Rahman al-,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 3 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 303-304. Updated from “Kawakibi, Abd al-Rahman al-,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 405-406.

“Rashid Rida, Muhammad,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 4 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 508-510. Updated from “Rashid Rida, Muhammad,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 3 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 410-412.

“Ghannoushi, Rashid al-,“ in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 309-311. Updated from “Ghannoushi, Rashid al-“ inThe Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 60-61.

“Madani, Abbasi,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 3 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 435-436. Updated from “Madani, Abbasi,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 3 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 11-12.

“Sanhuri, Abd al-Razzaq al-,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 5 (Oxford University Press, 2009): 47-49.Updated from “Sanhuri, Abd al-Razzaq al-,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.), Vol. 1 (Oxford University Press, 1995): 7-8.

Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, ed. Philip Mattar (New York: Macmillan Reference, 2004):

Belhadj, Ali; Mourou, Abdelfattah; Movement for Unity and Reform;Nahnah, Mahfoud; Sahnoun, Ahmed; Soltani, Abdellatif;Ben Salah, Ahmad.

The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, John Esposito, ed., (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003).

Contributed twenty-two entries on: Amarah, Muhammad; Ashmawi, Muhammad Said; Bel Haj, Ali; Berbers; Cairo; al-Fustat; Ghazan Khan, Mahmud; IbnTulun, Ahmad; Islamic Jihad Community; Jabiri, Muhammad Abid; Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi; Majd, Ahmad Kamal Abul al-; Mahmud II; Bin Nabi, Malik; al-Maqrizi, Taqi al-Din; Nizam al-Mulk; Qarawiyin Mosque; al-Rawdah; Sharawi, Shaykh Muhammad Mutawali; Suleyman, Mawlay; Thaalibi, Abd al-Aziz; Yassin, Abd al-Salam.

“The Foreign Policy of the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations,  the Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding, Georgetown University, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Spring 2003): 121-143.

“Muhammad Rashid Rida: Renewal, Renewing, and Renewers,” in Kurzman, Charles, ed., Modernist Islam: A Source Book (Oxford University Press, 2002): 77-85.

“Rifa`a Rafi` al-Tahtawi: A Discourse on the Homeland,” in Kurzman, Charles, ed., Modernist Islam: A Source Book (Oxford University Press, 2002): 31-39.

“‘Abd al-Hamid IbnBadis: The Principles of Government in Islam,” in Kurzman, Charles, ed., Modernist Islam: A Source Book (Oxford University Press, 2002): 93-95.

In the above-mentioned book, I served as North Africa Section Editor and wrote six introductions for the chapters on Muhammad `Abduh, Qassim Amin, Khayr al-Din al-Tunsi, Muhammad Rashid Rida, Abd al-Hamid IbnBadis, and Rifa`a al-Tahtawi, in Kurzman, Charles, ed., Modernist Islam: A Source Book (Oxford University Press, 2002): 31, 40, 50, 61, 77, and 93.

“Secularism and Nationalism: The Political Discourse of Abd al-Salam Yassin,” in Islamism and Secularism in North Africa, John Rudey (ed.). (Saint Martin’s, 1994): 167-86.

“Tunisia’s Renaissance Party: The Rise and Repression of an Islamic Movement,” Middle East Insight,Vol. 11, No. 2(January-February 1995): 29-35.

“Under the Shadow of the Imam: Morocco’s Diverse Islamic Movements,” Middle East Insight,Vol. 11, No. 2 (January-February 1995): 40-45.

“Algeria: The Limits to Democracy,” Middle East Insight, Vol. 8, No. 6 (July-October, 1992): 10-19.

 “Islam, Democracy and The West: Ending the Cycle of Denial,” in Mona Abu al-Fadl (ed.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, (Virginia: IIIT, 1993): 495-501.

“Muhammad Rashid Rida’s Perspectives on the West as Reflected in Al-Manar,” The Muslim World, Vol. 79, No. 2 (April, 1989): 113-32. 

For Op-eds, Interviews and Publications In Arabic.

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